Mimbres valley Farmers’ Market
Fresh locally grown food, since 2006
Better for You, Better for the grower
The growers receive a greater return by cutting out the middlemen, and in exchange, buyers receive healthy food, Grown in the Mimbres Valley and surrounding areas. The Market promotes a sense of community by providing a weekly venue to meet and share stories with friends and neighbors. Be a locavore and support the Mimbres Valley Farmers’ Market! Our market manager again this year is Bill Overholt, a volunteer who has taken on the mission of growing our market.
Farmers Market 2023
2743 Hwy 35
Mimbres, New Mexico
Vendor / Grower Information
All local growers are cordially invited to sell their produce at the Mimbres Valley Farmers’ Market.
There are no fees!!
This is a service to the growers and the people of the Mimbres Valley, made possible by MVHAL and the business listed at the bottom of this page.
Arrive early!!
Be sure to arrive early enough that you are 100% ready to go when the market opens